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Videos are a highly effective way to promote and market your products and services. In the past few years alone, the importance of video has grown exponentially. Video content can really raise your digital marketing game. Sharp Innovations is ready to partner with you to create engaging videos that you can use to reach a variety of marketing goals.

Get Started Now  

Hung Nguyen - Creative Strategy & Solutions Architect

Hung Nguyen

Creative Strategy & Solutions Architect

Phone:  (717) 290-6760 ext. 117

A male barista smiling in a coffee shop

Products: Promotional

Demo a product for clients and you can prove to them it’s the exact item they need. Validate your unique selling points in captivating video format. Explain or promote how your product or services differentiate from those of your competitors.

An indoor pool

People: Testimonials

Bring testimonials to life. Video testimonials can attach another layer of customer trust to your brand. Now more than ever, consumers are researching businesses, products, and services before deciding which to choose. Video testimonials add credibility to your brand.

Various essential oils and organic soaps

Corporate: Marketing / Training

Corporate videos can be used to provide an overview of your firm to potential clients, but they can also be used for internal purposes. Videos are highly effective for company-wide employee safety training, on-boarding, and instructional purposes. They offer a simplified, convenient way to provide instruction to your targeted audience.

A 360 virtual tour of Sharp Innovations offices

Non-Profits: Fundraising

Storytelling through videos helps convey the emotional reasons why donors should support your nonprofit. Videos enable your nonprofit to show how support, donations, and awareness change lives. They can be used to engage current and potential donors not only on your website, but also on social media platforms and embedded in newsletters, making the investment in videography well worth it.


15 Second Video  $1,650

  • Script Writing
  • Half-Day Video Shoot
  • Audio Track
    (Music or Voiceover)
  • Production & Editing
  • Up to 2 rounds of revisions

30 Second Video  $2,475

  • Script Writing
  • Half-Day Video Shoot
  • Audio Track
    (Music or Voiceover)
  • Production & Editing
  • Up to 2 rounds of revisions

1 Minute Video  $4,455

  • Script Writing
  • Full-Day Video Shoot
  • Audio Track
    (Music or Voiceover)
  • Production & Editing
  • Up to 2 rounds of revisions

2 Minute Video  $5,610

  • Script Writing
  • Full-Day Video Shoot
  • Audio Track
    (Music or Voiceover)
  • Production & Editing
  • Up to 2 rounds of revisions

Pricing Structure:

Script Writing:

  • 15 Second Video:  $330
  • 30 Second Video:  $660
  • 1 Minute Video:  $990
  • 2 Minute Video:  $1,320
  • 2+ Minute Video:  $165/hr

Pricing includes 2 rounds of revisions


  • 4 Hour (Half-Day) Shoot:  $660
  • 8 Hour (Full-Day) Shoot:  $1,320

Video Production / Editing:

  • 15 Second Video:  $490
  • 30 Second Video:  $825
  • 1 Minute Video:  $1,650
  • 2 Minute Video:  $2,310
  • 2+ Minute Video:  $165/hr

Pricing includes 2 rounds of revisions

Voiceover / Music Track:

  • 15 Second Video:  $165
  • 30 Second Video:  $330
  • 1 Minute Video:  $485
  • 2 Minute Video:  $660
  • 2+ Minute Video:  $165/hr

Pricing includes 2 rounds of revisions